Soft Dollar Activity

This section shows the starting and ending soft dollar balances and all soft dollar activity. It can be viewed by Financial Advisors and Broker Masters only. The information is organized by base currency. The Starting Soft Dollar Balance in the base currency is shown at the top of the section, followed by individual line items representing soft dollar activity. The Ending Soft Dollar Balance in the base currency is shown at the bottom of the section.

Column Description
Account ID The account number.
Account Alias Account alias, if there is one.
Model Model, if applicable.
Currency The base currency of the account.
FXRateToBase The foreign conversion rate of soft dollar activity to the account's base currency.
Date The date of the soft dollar activity.
Description Description of the soft dollar activity.
Amount Amount of the soft dollar activity.
Level of Detail Identifies if the data line is summary or detail.



The Amount column is totaled at the bottom, above the Ending Soft Dollar Balance.